Celebrity News
Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame : How Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme

Laura Silsby : Hi, Friends Today I am going to share some interesting information on the topic of Laura Silsby.
Laura Silsby is the leader of 10 United States. The Baptist missionaries were facing kidnapping charges in Haiti.
And is no stranger to legal and financial troubles.
The 40-year-old, Idaho businesswoman has convinced the members of Idaho’s Central Valley Baptist Church.
To follow her dream of building an orphanage in the Dominican Republic for Haitian children.
But her other business and also a personal journey reveals a checkered history.
Silsby has faced around14 legal complaints about unpaid wages. That is in connection with her online shopping business and Personal Shopper.
Many of the employees have won nine of those complaints. Silsby was ordered to pay $31,000 in as wages plus another $4,000 as a fine.
Laura’s on New Life’s Children’s Refuge
Laura Silsby has founded the New Life Children’s Refuge. It is led to the war in Haiti.
Though, she was to make freed after serving her sentence in Haiti. she also faced many legal problems in Idaho.
In the month of March 2010, her legal matters in these cases filed a motion to withdraw as her advice.
Another lawyer, who has represented Silsby in child custody, where case also withdrew as her legal matters.
Silsby faced many civil lawsuits for fraud, wrongful termination, and unpaid wages.
That was mostly related to her Personal Shoppers. An Internet company that she founded in the year 1999 with James Hammons.
Silsby and Hammons were worked together at Hewlett-Packard. Silsby became a part of MY STATE USA.
It was an emergency notification company that is headed by Claudia Bitner in the year 2011. MY STATE USA has changed its name to Alertsense.
Alertsense has since begun another company which is called Konexus. Because of bad press, when its software was used to launch the only known live Nuclear Alert in Hawaii in the year 2018.
Laura Silsby Gayler has worked for Alertsense for the last 8 years. She is still working there under Von Hansen and Blake Hansen.
Laura Silsby Marriage
She married and now goes by the name of Laura Gayler or as the name Laura Silsby Gayler.
Laura Silsby’s Events
The 10 missionaries who were led by Silsby and flew to the Dominican Republic on the year January 22.
On her chartered bus and arrived in Haiti on the year January 25. An American journalist whose name was Anne-Christine d’Adesky.
He states that she met Silsby on the day before the missionaries’ entry into Haiti.
The NLCR’s leader was explained that she had a letter from the Dominican officials.
They were authorizing the transfer of orphans to the hotel in a Cabarete. D’Adesky warned Laura Silsby that she also get proper paperwork from the Haitian authorities.
On the year January 26, the group was gathered by forty children and set off for the Dominican Republic.
They were also stopped by a policeman. who were explained that their actions were illegal?
Prevented from the group which was set out to collect many orphans from the ruined town of Calebasse and from the slum of Le Citron in the Port-au-Prince.
laura Gayler | laura silsby haiti
33 children from that 20 from Calebasse and 13 from Le Citron were put under the mission’s care.
On the year January 29, many of the missionaries were arrested but trying to cross the Dominican border without any proper authorization.
They were denied the wrongdoing and maintained. Because they were doing God’s will by helping those orphaned victims of the earthquake.
So, these are the important points and information on the topic of Laura Silsby.
As in the role of Missionaries leader, she fought for the orphan children’s and for their rights.
She participated in many of the events and now also she is active in her profession and creates a way for the orphanage children.
Many of the events she enrolled and faced so many situations under the legal authorities. But she never loses herself to act as a good leader.
Please go through the article, and enjoy reading it.
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